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Giving from beyond - Rockwills makes it possible on an annual basis

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For the past 10 years, Rumah Hope and Rumah Kanak-Kanak Impian (RKKI) have been receiving funding on an annual basis but unlike the norm, this consistent source of funding has been coming from a donor who is no longer alive!

Nothing creepy of such receiving from beyond, but it is owing to the ingenuity of one generous lady who knows how to cleverly leverage on estate planning as an effective means for her acts of kindness literally from the grave!

Madam W, whose identity is withheld due to reasons of confidentiality, knew that charitable organisations need contributions to survive, what more if they would be able to have access to a constant stream of funding.

With a heart to make this possible, Madam W has made it a reality for Rumah Hope and RKKI and 18 other beneficiary orphanages to be able to benefit from her donations year-after-year for the last 10 years.

Rockwills Trustee Bhd, acting on behalf of Madam W, made it possible for her to continue contributing to various orphanages a decade after her death. From the left to right: Representatives from Rockwills Lim Yo Nee, Ethan Tan, Lau Yee Vonne with Rumah Hope’s key executives, Jacob Matthew, Syafiqah Suhaimi and Amy D’ Cruz

Rumah Hope Chairman Jacob Mathew and RKKI Home Management Committee Chairman Rajenthiran Narayanan, however, share one regret – not being able to express their gratitude to Madam W in person or to her next of kin.

Her identity remained unknown but what is known to both Mathew and Narayanan is Rockwills Trustee Bhd, which is acting on behalf of Madam W.

In a selfless act of charity, Madam W had bequeathed a portion of her multi-million-ringgit estate to several orphanages as part of her last will and testament.

Over the past 10 years, Rockwills Trustee Bhd, which served as the trustee in Madam W’s last will and testament, has invested that allocated portion. Earnings derived from the investments are then donated to 20 orphanages annually.

Mathew said: “Madam W’s annual gift goes a long way in helping our children. I just want to say a big thank you to her. It is truly amazing that her legacy of giving and caring is continued even after her death.”

Narayanan echoed Mathew’s sentiment and added: “Madam W continues to be a blessing to so many. Her donations are reflected in the lives of the children she supports.”

Children of Rumah Kanak-Kanak Impian (RKKI) and RIKKI’s Home Management Committee Chairman Rajenthiran Narayanan (second from right) with Rockwills Training & Business Development Assistant Manager, Lau Yee Vonne (extreme right) as she presented the home with a portion of Madam W’s annual donation

Rockwills Trustee Bhd Chief Executive Officer Azhar Iskandar Hew said that since 2013, Rockwills Trustee has distributed a whopping RM1.5 million from Madam W’s investments.

"It is an example of a well-formulated estate plan to be considered and followed. It underscores that wills and trusts can be effective and versatile estate planning tools for wealth distribution to not just loved ones but also to what the hearts want to do for deserving segments of society."

He added that Rockwills had in 2008, set up a "Will for Charity" panel in which the company forges a strategic alliance arrangement with charities to be listed for testators to select to will any portion of their estate.

About Rockwills International Group

Rockwills International Group, now in its 28th year, pioneered professional will writing in 1995 and has since evolved into the leading estate planning specialist in the country. It is today the largest provider of solutions and support services in the areas of trusts, succession, management, and distribution of wealth. It has shareholders’ funds exceeding RM50 million. It has done over 300,000 wills and 16,000 trusts and hold more than RM25 billion in assets under trust.

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