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Mei Qun


I am vaccinated!!!

The process was absolutely painless and easy – took just over one hour.

I secured a slot on the first day of the opt-in vaccination programme for AstraZeneca – May 5 at 09:00 at Universiti Malaya.

I thought I was early when I arrived at 08:15 but there was a queue already.

At the entrance to the hall, I scanned MySejatera before entry. Here they also check your appointment date and time. A queue number was handed out and in you go to Station 1 where you sit and wait till they move you forward to Station 2.

At Station 2 your registration is checked once again and they also record your occupation, ethnicity and the industry you work in.

Once done, you are off to Station 3 where a verbal health status check is conducted. They also want to make sure that you know which vaccination you are getting. Once you sign the consent form you wait at Station 4 for your jab.

The vaccination was quick and totally painless. Not even an ant bite!

Once done, you have to scan the QR code to indicate that your 1st dose is completed. They also capture your vaccination batch details.

Make sure you pick up your vaccination card before you leave the hall!

Now, for the 2nd dose in 12 weeks’ time

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